Solutions + Analytics = Solytics

Streamline & transform your risk management, compliance, and data analytics practices

Combining deep domain expertise, with advanced analytics and new-age technology, our comprehensive suite of “accelerated services” and powerful technology solutions enable you to future-proof your business.

Our Differentiators

Combining customized solutions with powerful analytics is Solytics

Deep Domain Expertise

Decades of global experience in risk management, financial crime and compliance, regulatory expectations, capital markets, insurance, and allied financial services.

Cutting Edge Tech

Strong expertise in Cloud technology, big data, and distributed computing.

Advanced Analytics

Rich mathematical and statistical talent combined with the power of Machine Learning and AI technologies.


Building resilience with The “Solytics Advantage"

Robust Risk Management

Risk management is critical for financial institutions to ensure resiliency against economic shocks, unanticipated geopolitical changes, rapidly evolving technology landscape, and black-swan events like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Given the increasing regulatory scrutiny post the 2009 financial crisis and the resultant heightened compliance costs, it is essential for financial institutions to implement a robust and holistic risk management approach that leverages new-age technology and analytics to reduce human errors and rationalize business costs.

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Risk Services
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Value Creation
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Analytics Capabilities
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Global Regulatory Experience
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New-age Risk
Analytics Solutions
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Risk Experts
Holistic Compliance Services

Having a strong AML/CFT (Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism) controls is essential for financial institutions, with failure to do so attracting massive regulatory fines and resulting in reputational damage.

With the growing amount of user and transaction data being generated, financial institutions need to adopt and leverage emerging technologies like AI, ML, Big Data etc to build more robust models, automate repetitive tasks, unearth hidden patterns and insights, and rationalise the overall cost of compliance.

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FCC Services
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Data Science
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Value Creation
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Global Regulatory Experience
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AML and
FCC Experts
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New-age FCC
Harness the true potential of data

With the increasing amount of data being generated and heightened regulatory requirements, data analytics and engineering functions are critical for financial institutions to ensure compliance as well as to generate insights for targeted decision-making.

Solytics is the preferred strategic partner for FIs in their digital transformation journey, enabling them to stay ahead of the curve and strengthen their competitive positioning.

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Strong Technology Expertise
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Global Data Science Team
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Accelerated Value Creation
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Tailored Advanced Analytics
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New-age Data Solutions
Holistic Data Strategy
Maximizing ESG Success

In today's financial landscape, embracing ESG and effectively managing Climate Risk isn't just a choice—it's a strategic imperative for global banks and financial institutions. Our technology and consulting solutions empower financial leaders to navigate these challenges, ensuring sustainable practices, regulatory compliance, and resilience in the face of climate-related risks. Stay ahead in the evolving financial ecosystem with our transformative tools and insights.

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Advanced Analytical Solutions
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Global Regulatory Expertise
a blue circle with two speech bubbles on it
Comprehensive Consulting Services
a blue and green icon of a shield with an exclamation
Holistic ESG Risk Management
a blue circle with two arrows pointing in opposite directions
Data-driven Decision Making
a blue circle with the letter s in it
Accelerated, Integrated Approach

Unleash your true potential with Solytics Partners

We are always looking to expand our tribe. Join us in our mission to future-proof institutions, and discover your true calling in the process.

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Solytics Partners can help you transform & future-proof your business
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Save time and money with with our suite of accelerated services and advanced analytics solutions
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Stay ahead of the curve in an evolving market, technology, and regulatory landscape
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Leverage our domain knowledge, advanced analytics and cutting edge tech to build your enterprise
Leverage The Solytics Advantage

We provide round-the-clock support, delivering time-critical, sensitive projects in an accelerated way by leveraging our suite of Advanced Solutions, and our codified, in-house arsenal of playbooks, checklists, templates, and utilities to accelerate value creation.

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