Problem Statement

High variability in underwriting decision process across markets and products, leading to inefficiencies and delays in onboarding large accounts.

Solution Approach

Solytics transformed the underwriting process by leveraging NIMBUS Uno, an advanced AI-driven Analytics Platform:

1. Created a rich analytical dataset by sourcing data from multiple sources.

2. Performed data standardization, data validation, and Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

3. Built advanced analytical ML (Machine Learning) models, including survival and classification models.

4. Developed and deployed data pipelines for real-time underwriting using NIMBUS Uno.

5. Developed analytical dashboards to provide real-time updates to all stakeholders across Business, Technology, and Operations

Client Impact

- Significant reduction in manual underwriting and costs.

- Instantaneous decision-making across markets and products and improved user experience.

- Increased revenue and profit through optimized pricing.

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