Knowledge & Trainings
August 15, 2024

European Union (EU) Consolidated Sanctions List

Discover how the EUs sanctions list upholds international law by targeting violators of peace and human rights.

The European Union maintains sanctions lists as part of its Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), which aims to promote international peace, security, and human rights. The EU sanctions lists target individuals, entities, and countries involved in activities such as terrorism, human rights abuses, and violations of international law. Key features of the EU sanctions lists include:

  • Legal Basis: Sanctions are imposed based on decisions by the European Council, which may include asset freezes, travel bans, and restrictions on trade and financial transactions.
  • Sectoral Sanctions: In addition to targeted sanctions on individuals and entities, the EU imposes sectoral sanctions on specific economic sectors in response to geopolitical crises and violations of international law.
  • Comprehensive Measures: The EU sanctions regime includes comprehensive measures against entire countries or regions, such as arms embargoes and restrictions on exports of dual-use goods.

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