Knowledge & Trainings
August 15, 2024

Her Majesty's Treasury (HMT) Sanctions List (UK)

Insight into the UK's HMT sanctions list, aiming to prevent financial crimes and uphold international security.

The United Kingdom's sanctions lists, managed by Her Majesty's Treasury (HMT), include individuals, entities, and countries subject to financial sanctions under UK law. These sanctions aim to combat terrorism, prevent money laundering, and uphold international peace and security. Key aspects of HMT sanctions lists include:

  • Asset Freezing Orders: HMT issues asset freezing orders against listed individuals and entities, prohibiting financial transactions and freezing assets held within UK jurisdiction.
  • Terrorist Asset Freezing Act (TAFA): UK sanctions lists under TAFA target individuals and groups involved in terrorism or supporting terrorist activities, imposing financial restrictions and travel bans.
  • Legal Framework: Sanctions are implemented through statutory instruments under UK law, ensuring compliance with international obligations and alignment with EU and UN sanctions regimes.

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