
SAMS Newsletter - March 2024

In March 2024, 683 individuals, vessels and entities were added to the major sanctions list globally.

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We are excited to share the March 2024 edition of our SAMS monthly series, wherein we bring you a consolidated view of the monthly changes to all major global sanctions lists.

In the first month of 2024, some 683 individuals and organizations were added to the global major sanctions list. SECO Switzerland took the lead and added 334 names to their database. While the Japanese Ministry of Finance sanctioned 87 individuals and 27 entities, the OFAC USA sanctioned 64 individuals and 72 entities.

The European Union added 35 fresh names to the list, and Global Affairs Canada sanctioned 31 individuals. The United Nations imposed sanctions on one organization.

Department of Foreign Affairs, Australia and United Kingdom HM Treasury sanctioned 14 and 13 names respectively.

All these names were updated in our proprietary database in real-time, ensuring our clients always stay globally and locally compliant.

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